333333 n$Lock TIDYU.K.Newcastle upon Tyne NE20 9SXPonteland54 West Road,Medical and Biological Services,50 pounds per computer from:Registration costs typicallyavailable on registration.The full version of this section isThe red cell volumeBlood volumePlasma volumeInterstitial fluid spaceCell waterExtracellular spaceTotal body waterMeasurements of:marker.The kinetics of an intravenouscompartments.extracellular and intracellularThe distribution of water betweensection are:-The other major headings in thisFat manLBMWaterThin manTotal body water = 73.3% of LBM.weight of the fat free tissues.The lean body mass, LBM, is the total==============================The concept of lean body mass.Weight = 70 kgHeight 175 cmC1NE3H3C1NG3 F370 kg in weight.average man. He is 175 cm tall and quoted are those for the so-calledThe usual textbook values which are---------------The average man.proportional to body fat.thin person. TBW is inverselyproportionately less water than aother tissues, a fat person containsAs fat contains much less water thanFat <10% waterKidney =83% waterHeart and lungs =80% waterSkeletal muscle >75% water---------------------------------The water content of some tissues.body.proportions of fatty tissue in thewater (TBW) are due to the variousThe large variations in the total body=================The effect of fat.FemalesMales0 5 10 15 20 25 30% FatFatPlumpAverageThincategories:-individuals into the followingof fatness my be obtained by dividingA rough classification of the degreethe degree of fatness of an individual.Water content is also determined by =====================The degree of fatness.after puberty.the same age have less water contentcontent fall with age, but women ofNote that not only does the watera:SsrP60+40-5917-3910-161-5BornNewFemaleMalethgiewydoB%1006020body falls with age.In general the content of water in the Press S-Barof the body weight.The range varies from 45% to 75%70 kg holds about 40 litres.An individual of average weight, sayof the weight of an adult's body.Water accounts for about two thirds===========BODY FLUIDS.8